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Scavenger Hunt - Kids Yoga Teacher Resource
About the Scavenger Hunt Game and Training
A Preview of the Scavenger Hunt Game (2:09)
Welcome to the Kids Yoga Scavenger Hunt!
Land and Spiritual Acknowledgement
Terms of Use and Disclaimer
Scavenger Hunt Teacher Training Videos
Teacher Training: How to Play the Yoga Scavenger Hunt (17:21)
Lesson Plans Samples
Play Online - PNG of Game to Download
Play Online - PDF of Game to Download
Play In-Person - PDF of Colour Flash Cards (4 per Page)
Play In-Person - PDF Black and White Flash Cards (4 per Page)
Play In-Person - PDF Colour Full Page
Play In-Person - PDF Black and White Full Page
Play In-Person - PDF of Clues Full Page
Individual Colouring Pages to Email to Students
Download PDF's Here
Choose an Ending for Your Scavenger Hunt
Ending: Relax Till You Hear Your Name
Ending: Go to Colouring Stations (2:51)
Ending: Find Words with the Letters (4:33)
Pose 1: Zoo Pose (Lion's Breath Pose)
Pose 1: Zoo Pose (Lion's Breath Pose) (8:26)
Pose 2: Elephant Pose (Standing Forward Bend)
Pose 2: Elephant Pose (Standing Forward Bend) (6:02)
Pose 3: Downward Dog Pose
3 Downward Dog (7:07)
Pose 4: Warrior One Pose
Pose 4: Warrior One (10:37)
Pose 5: Plank Pose
Pose 5: Plank Pose (7:10)
Pose 6: Snake (Cobra Pose)
Pose 6: Snake (Cobra Pose) (8:54)
Pose 7: Moon Pose (Standing Side Body Stretch)
Pose 7: Moon Pose (Standing Side Body Stretch) (9:34)
Pose 8: Nectar Pose (Easy Sitting Pose/ Half Lotus Pose)
Pose 8: Nectar Pose (Easy Sitting Pose/ Half Lotus Pose) (8:29)
Pose 5: Plank Pose
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